
current River Learn more about current River

  • What bait is used for fishing in the Yellow River?

    What bait is used for fishing in the Yellow River?

    The Yellow River is the most famous river in China, and many people who live nearby will go fishing in their spare time. Fishing in the Yellow River is different from fishing in other places. It not only requires skills, but also can choose some bait, bait and so on. What bait is used for fishing in the Yellow River? First, Huang

    2020-11-11 The Yellow River fishing use what bait the Yellow River is the most famous in our country.
  • Technical guidance on current Rice production Management

    Technical guidance on current Rice production Management

    At present, the production of early rice in China has entered the late growth stage, most of the early rice in southern Guangdong and Guangxi has entered the filling stage, a few of them have entered the mature stage, the middle part of Guangdong and Guangxi has begun to heading, and the north of Guangdong and Guangxi has entered the initial heading stage to heading stage; the early rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has entered the milk stage and the harvest is expected to begin around July 10. The northeast single cropping rice is in the peak tillering stage, young panicle differentiation stage and booting stage from south to north, the middle rice in the southwest winter paddy field is in the booting stage, the young panicle differentiation begins in the valley and hilly region, and the drying stage in Chengdu plain is at the highest seedling stage.

  • Can electric eels shock people to death?

    Can electric eels shock people to death?

    Can electric eels shock people to death?

  • Distribution of producing area of eel

    Distribution of producing area of eel

    Distribution of producing area of eel

  • Current management of pomelo, mango and plum

    Current management of pomelo, mango and plum

    Thin-skinned muskmelon is mainly cultivated in open field and high border in the south. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, it is suitable for direct seeding in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River or transplanting cotyledon seedlings in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. if plastic film mulching is used, it can be direct seeded or planted 5 days earlier than conventional. First, soil selection and stubble arrangement should be higher topography, good drainage, and melon.

  • The relief of drought in the whole country is lower than the average value of the same period of many years. Autumn grain production is promising.

    The relief of drought in the whole country is lower than the average value of the same period of many years. Autumn grain production is promising.

    Although the current drought in Northeast China is still serious, it is obviously lighter than the same period last year and lower than the multi-year average of 120 million mu. The Ministry of Agriculture and the National Meteorological Administration jointly discussed that although the current drought has an impact on local autumn grain production, but the northeast region, the Yangtze River

    2016-03-20 Nationwide drought relief lower than many years same period average autumn grain
  • Spring ploughing busy in China--scanning of current national spring agricultural production

    Spring ploughing busy in China--scanning of current national spring agricultural production

    As of March 30, 68.24 million mu of early rice seedlings had been raised nationwide, with 78.4% completed. Among them, early rice seedling raising in South China has basically ended, and 27.1% has been planted. According to the agricultural situation dispatch of the Ministry of Agriculture, it is estimated that the planned planting area of early rice this year will be more than 87 million mu, an increase of more than 300,000 mu over the previous year.

    2016-03-20 China earth spring ploughing busy - current national spring as of
  • Loach on the Yellow River Plateau

    Loach on the Yellow River Plateau

    Common name: Pike origin and delivery period: distributed in the trunk and tributaries of the upper reaches of the Yellow River. Introduction: a large fish of the family Loach. The head and body forequarters are flat, and the tail stalk is low and long. The mouth is large; the lips are narrow and smooth or shallowly wrinkled. It must be of medium length. The lower part of the unbranched dorsal fin hardens. The body is scaleless and the skin has short rod-shaped cortical prisms. Living in gravel sediment rapids, carnivorous. From April to May every year, when the river melts ice, it spawns against the current, which has a certain economic value.

  • The current drought has little to do with increased food imports

    The current drought has little to do with increased food imports

    At present, some major grain producing areas in China suffer from severe drought, which has an impact on the growth of local autumn grain. China imported 11.34 million tons of grain and grain flour in the first seven months of this year, up 80.7 percent from the same period last year, according to data released by the General Administration of Customs. Some people ask questions,

    2016-03-20 the current drought has little to do with the increase in grain imports.
  • How much is the price of Banlangen per jin? What are the planting prospects?

    How much is the price of Banlangen per jin? What are the planting prospects?

    Radix Isatidis, also known as Isatis indigotica and Isatis indigotica, is a cruciferous plant. Its dry root is the main part of medicine. One of the most well-known functions of Radix Isatidis is to prevent colds. At present, Radix Isatidis is planted all over our country, with large planting scale and high yield.

    2020-11-09 Banlangen price more less money one jin planting prospect how
  • Heilongjiang fennel, a cold-water economic fish with high culture value

    Heilongjiang fennel, a cold-water economic fish with high culture value

    Heilongjiang fennel belongs to salmon-shaped order, fennel family, fennel genus, commonly known as spotted trout, red scale fish. In China, it is produced in the upper reaches of Heilongjiang River, Nenjiang River, Mudanjiang River, Wusuli River, Songhua River, Suifen River and so on. Foreign countries are distributed along the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk in Russia and the Sea of Japan. There are two other subspecies of fennel in China: Yalu River fennel from the Yalu River and Arctic fennel from the Ertix River Basin. The appearance and habits of the above-mentioned Sanya species are quite similar, only the geographical distribution is different. Heilongjiang fennel

  • Stories, legends and idiom explanations of carp jumping over Longmen

    Stories, legends and idiom explanations of carp jumping over Longmen

    Stories, legends and idiom explanations of carp jumping over Longmen

  • Where is the cheapest seafood in the country? Ranking of major producing areas of seafood in China

    Where is the cheapest seafood in the country? Ranking of major producing areas of seafood in China

    Seafood is a common aquatic product, which many people like to eat. Of course, there are many seafood producing areas in China, and the prices vary from place to place, so do you know where seafood is the cheapest in the country? What are the seafood producing areas in the country? Let's learn about it. Seafood from all over the country

    2020-11-27 National seafood where the cheapest main origin ranking
  • The precipitation of the whole country entering the main flood season is generally more than that of the north and south.

    The precipitation of the whole country entering the main flood season is generally more than that of the north and south.

    Since June 1, the whole country has entered the main flood season. On the morning of the 1st, the State General Administration of Flood Control held a consultation meeting to analyze and judge the current situation of flood control and drought relief, and further arrange arrangements for flood control, drought relief and typhoon prevention. According to the consultation and analysis, it is expected that the overall precipitation in eastern China in June

    2016-01-10 The whole country entering the main flood season precipitation on the whole north and south both ends
  • Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

    Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

    Common name: the origin and delivery period of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus: distributed in the Yuanjiang River system. Introduction: the head is slightly flat and the cheek is bulging. Lips are smooth or wrinkled. The maxillary tooth protuberance is weak, and the mandible has a V-shaped notch in the center of the mandible, but sometimes it is not obvious. The body scales are small and distributed only after the starting point of the dorsal fin. The side line is complete. There are only spots on the back of the head of small individuals, while there are spots or markings on the cheeks of large individuals. Demersal fish inhabit the sand-gravel section of the river where the current is fast. A larger individual

  • Create cultural brands and make more masterpieces.

    Create cultural brands and make more masterpieces.

    Morning & nbsp; Prince of Piano 3 Richard Clayderman .

  • Fish: I never thought I could die like this

    Fish: I never thought I could die like this

    On a bridge on the border between Kenya and Tanzania, Chris Dutton and Amanda Subalusky noticed that every time the Mara River rises by dozens of centimeters, dead fish will be killed.

  • How to raise Indonesian tiger fish

    How to raise Indonesian tiger fish

    The Indonesian tiger is a common tiger fish found in the Chao Phraya River Basin, the Mekong River Basin in Southeast Asia and western Borneo in Sumatra, Indonesia. At present, enthusiasts are worried about the Indonesian tiger becoming dark tiger, dark tiger becoming bright tiger and so on

    2020-11-11 indonesian tiger fish how to raise indonesian tiger is city surface relatively
  • High-quality fish species pick English-fragrant fish

    High-quality fish species pick English-fragrant fish

    Fragrant fish belongs to the salmon family of bony fishes, which is an important small and valuable economic fish in China. Its meat is delicate, its body color is beautiful, and there is a cavity covered with balsam on its back, which can give off an attractive fragrance, so it gets its name. After baking with fire, the fragrant fish is golden yellow, with good color, aroma and taste, and unique flavor, so it is known as one of the "five treasures of Yandang". Fragrant fish is a sub-cold water fish, which likes to live in medium-sized sea rivers with fresh water quality, fast current, low water temperature and gravel at the bottom. it has short food chain, fast growth rate and temperature.

  • The Ministry of Agriculture issued an emergency notice calling for unremitting efforts to do a good job of agricultural science.

    The Ministry of Agriculture issued an emergency notice calling for unremitting efforts to do a good job of agricultural science.

    Since July, the drought in the north of the Yangtze River has been developing continuously. The leading comrades of the CPC Central Committee have issued a series of important instructions on the current drought relief work, calling for all-out efforts to do a good job in the current drought relief work and strive to fight drought and ensure a bumper harvest. On August 7, the Ministry of Agriculture issued an emergency notice requesting

    2016-03-20 Ministry of Agriculture issued an emergency notice requirements no slackening hold on